
Selected device has no output controls
Selected device has no output controls

selected device has no output controls selected device has no output controls selected device has no output controls

In this folder, remove any files named 'FocusriteUSB2Audio.kext' and then restart the computer.Select 'Computer' > Mac HD > System > Library > Extensions.Finder > click 'Go' at the top of the screen.Or, you can manually delete drivers by going to: To remove any problematic drivers you may have installed, you can run our Class Compliant application, which is attached at the bottom of this article. Click Apply and OK to save any changes If you see your device but you are unable to select it within the menu, try unchecking all of the currently selected boxes. Check the boxes in the Input and Output categories to make sure your device is ready for use. Your device appearing only as an input device with no outputs available Use this guide to changing driver modes, then check the Audio > Devices category again.If you install an old Focusrite driver by mistake then this could cause issues, including: Previously, we issued drivers for USB devices on older Mac operating systems, however, we now recommend not installing any drivers that you might find online or on old CD installer discs when using one of our USB interfaces on Mac computers. Applies to: Scarlett, Clarett USB, Clarett+

Selected device has no output controls